07. & 08. 11. 2025.
Datum tečaja: 07. & 08. 11. 2025.
Education is held in english
Plastic-aesthetic and regenerative periodontal therapy.
Soft tissue grafting at implants.
Prevention and treatment of peri-implantitis.
The aim of this course is to provide the general practitioner and the specialist with a comprehensive, evidence based concept aiming to succesfully manage periodontally compromised patients. During the 2 days, a treatment concept based on the scientific evidence from the last 3 decades will be provided. The concept will address the most important aspects related to the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant diseases including diagnosis, nonsurgical, antibiotic/antiseptic, surgical, regenerative and plastic-esthetic surgery. Treatment concepts for peri-implantitis and recession coverage at implants will round up the course content. Case presentations and case discussions will illustrate on when and how the scientific evidence can be included in the overall treatment philosophy helping the clinician to immediately implement the aquired knowledge in the daily practice.
Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Anton Sculean, M.S.
Department of Periodontology, University of Bern, Switzerland
Day 1
Treatment planning in periodontal compromised patients.
Regenerative periodontal therapy. Treatment of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implatitis
Theoretical part:
1. Diagnosis and treatment plannin
2. Reconstructive / regenerative periodontal surgery
• Biology of periodontal wound healing and regeneration
• Regenerative materials in periodontology:
• Bone grafts/bone substitute materials
• Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR)
• Enamel Matrix Proteins (Emdogain)
• Platelet Rich Plasma/Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRP/PRF)
• Growth factors (rhPDGF, BMPs, GDF-5)
• Use of Hyaluronic acid
• Combination approaches
• Treatment concepts for intrabony defects
• Treatment concepts for furcations
• Long-term results following regenerative periodontal therapy.
3. Implants in periodontitis patients
4. Treatment concepts for peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis
Practical part
1. Flap designs:
• Papilla Preservation Technique (Takei)
• Modified Papilla Preservation Technique
• Simplified Papilla Preservation Technique
2. Regenerative surgery of an intrabony defect with regenerative materials including biologics, grafting material, and membrane
3. Regenerative surgery of a furcation defect with regenerative materials including biologics, grafting material, and membrane
4. Suturing techniques to achieve primary closure and optimize wound stability:
• Vertical and horizontal mattress sutures
• Modified mattress sutures.
• Double sling suture
Day 2
Predictable treatment of single and multiple gingival recessions. Treatment of soft tissue defects at implants.
1. Etiology of recession defects around natural teeth and dental implants
2. Classification of recession defects
3. Clinical concept for treatment of single and multiple gingival recessions
• The Modified Coronally Advanced Tunnel (MCAT)
• The Laterally Closed Tunnel (LCT)
• The Combined MCAT + LCT
4. Soft tissue grafting to obtain attached mucosa around dental implants
5. Soft tissue grafting and recession coverage at dental implants: possibilities and limits
6. Use of soft tissue replacement grafts: possibilities and limits
7. Post-operative protocol following reconstructive periodontal surgery
Practical part
The following issues will be trained on pig jaws
1. Modified Coronally Advanced Tunnel (MCAT) with the use of connective tissue graft and soft tissue replacement grafts
2. The Combined MCAT + LCT
3. Harvesting technique for palatal connective tissue graft
4. Suturing techniques for closure of palatal donor site
5. Suturing technique for graft fixation
6. Suturing technique for coronal flap displacement
7. Suturing technique for lateral closure
8. Surgical technique for placement of free gingival graft or collagen based soft tissue replacement grafts to increase keratinized tissue width around teeth and dental implants.
Hands-on course
Theoretical & practical part on models
Group size
Up to 25 participants
Price / Fee
1.350 Eur
Tax, Certificate, Coffee break, lunch / dinner
Further information
Tel: +385 51 701 704
E-mail: education@novodent.hr